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Treatment and prevention of bleeding in patients with inherited platelet disorders, a clinico-pathological approach
18. Dezember 2024 @ 17:00 - 19:00 CET
Treatment and prevention of bleeding in patients with inherited platelet disorders, a clinico-pathological approach
Speakers Carlo Zaninetti and Andreas Greinacher
Institut für Transfusionsmedizin Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
ERN-EuroBloodNet subnetwork
City Greifswald – Country Gemany
18 December 2024, 5.00 pm CET
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Your colleagues can also register via the following link on our website and will receive the same connection link, above, 30 minutes prior to the webinar. https://eurobloodnet.eu/education/topic-on-focus-webinars/constitutional-thrombocytopenia/13/platelet-transfusions-and-other-hemostatic-therapies-in-inherited-thrombocytopenia
I apologize for this inconvenience, but this registration step is required by the European Commission.
Yours, Carlo Zaninetti and Andreas Greinacher