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Vascular Medicine and Atherosclerosis Congress

6. Februar @ 8:00 - 8. Februar @ 17:00 CET

Dear colleagues and friends,

We cordially invite you to the 7th Vascular Medicine and Atherosclerosis Congress – VMAC of the three leading societies that focus their research, training and education on atherosclerosis and its sequelae: the German Society for Lipidology (DGFL) – Lipid League, the D.A.CH – Society for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases and the German Atherosclerosis Society (DGAF). Also on board are the AG 41 (Atherosclerosis) of the German Society for Cardiology (DGK) and the University Hospital Essen with specially designed joint sessions.

This time, we have themed the congress under the motto „Atherosclerosis a lifetime risk„, and we have made great efforts to offer an exciting mix of science and research along with practical insights.

Key topics will include genetics, obesity, and diabetes mellitus. We will closely examine the risk factors for atherosclerosis as well as metabolic processes at the cellular level, illuminate plaque development, and investigate the cardiovascular complications associated with and resulting from atherosclerosis. Young scientists will also present their current results. Their presentations will be evaluated and awarded prizes.

Anyone who still thinks that atherosclerosis develops at some point in retirement is mistaken. In our current living conditions, the early bird catches the worm. Prevention pays off, but not if we continue to spend only 2 percent of health care expenditure on it.

We look forward to seeing you, to interesting conversations, stimulating discussions and a productive collaboration at the Haus der Technik in Essen.

Oliver Weingärtner         Ulrike Schatz     Daniel Sedding

DGFL – Lipid-Liga e. V.    DACH                    DGAF


6. Februar @ 8:00 CET
8. Februar @ 17:00 CET
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German Society for Arteriosclerosis Research
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Haus der Technik Essen
Hollestraße 1
Essen, 45127 Germany
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