65. Jahrestagung der GTH: simply online

Bienvenue …

…to the 65th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis Research. First online!


For the first time in its history, the GTH congress was scheduled to be held in the French-speaking part of Switzerland: “La Romandie”.

I really hoped that this attractive location would have enabled participants from all Switzerland, Germany and Austria, France and Italy, and possibly from other European countries to gather in Lausanne for four days of science and clinical practice in hemostasis.

The tiny SARS-CoV-2 changed our big plans. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we were considering a hybrid meeting, but we had eventually to opt for an exclusively online congress. Although this choice will cause some burning loss, it will open new opportunities as well.

We will miss the wonderful surroundings of Lausanne with its vineyards, the mountains, and the lake. We will miss the encounters and lively discussions. We will miss friends and colleagues.

However, we will profit from the digital network. Possibly, the online congress will attract curious minds who would not have attended a face-to-face GTH congress, thus widening our audience. For Abstracts and Oral Communications, online discussion forums will allow interacting with the authors during the whole congress. The lively 3D industrial exhibition will be accessible for a whole month. The online congress format will solve the problem of choosing between parallel sessions: all presentations will be available online so that you will be able to listen to them at your best convenience. You could even organize a “beer & pizza workshop”, enjoying your preferred talks with your team … Just think ACROSS BORDERS and let us make the best out of the situation!


Hemostasis is just fascinating! In my experience, one of the several reasons is its interdisciplinary character, which we realize daily discussing clinical cases with colleagues from other medical specialties: in emergency rooms and operating theatres, on pediatric wards, in the lab and in clinics as diverse as hepatology, obstetrics, or hematology.

The 2021 GTH congress will focus on interdisciplinary aspects of hemostasis, opening the doors to colleagues from other medical fields, and opening the minds towards different points of view and ways of thinking hemostasis.


We have a privileged profession! Daily, we meet human beings in quite vulnerable phases of their lives – this is our greatest responsibility. Doing research, we can create knowledge – this is our greatest challenge.

Clinical passion and research! My first medical teacher, Carlofelice Beretta-Piccoli (1946-1994) used to say to us young residents and exemplified through his own professional life that an accomplished physician is intellectually curious, scientifically accurate and able to “appassionarsi al destino del paziente”.

The motto of the 65th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis Research – ACROSS BORDERS – stands for all of this: Internationality, Interdisciplinary Hemostasis, Science and Humanity… and the digital barrier.

We – the local, Swiss and international organizing committees – have been working for setting up the frame conditions for a successful scientific congress. However, only if you will submit your best research abstracts and actively participate, the congress will become “enriching and memorable”… even if simply online!

Bienvenue …

Lorenzo Alberio

Veranstalter ist die GTH, Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung e.V.


Mo, 22. Februar 2021 – Fr, 26. Februar 2021

Der erste online Kongress der GTH.
Weitere aktuelle Information erhalten Sie auf der Kongresswebseite.


Prof. Lorenzo Alberio

Prof. Lorenzo Alberio

Médecin chef
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois
Service et Laboratoire central d’hématologie
Rue du Bugnon 46
CH-1011 Lausanne

T +41 21 314 34 32
F +41 21 314 43 23

Professional Congress Organiser (PCO)

Linda Gloor

Linda Gloor

Meister ConCept GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 55
CH-5001 Aarau

T +41 62 836 20 90
F +41 62 836 20 97


Webseite und Call for Abstracts

Mit Klick auf das Logo kommen Sie auf die Webseite der GTH Jahrestagung 2021.

Call for Abstracts: Bitte klicken Sie hier um das informative PDF herunter zu laden.

Scientific organizer



Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung e.V.
Gertrudenstraße 9
DE-50667 Köln

T +49 221 42 33 46 26
F +49 221 42 33 46 20


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